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경원식의 마케팅 세상

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블로그"경원식의 마케팅 세상"에 대한 검색결과488건
  • [비공개] The Inspiration Discipline By Andy Ste..

    The Inspiration Discipline By Andy Stefanovich A common scenario in corporate headquarters these days features the Chief Innovation Officer having a meeting with her Innovation Council in the recently completed, state-of-the-art Innovation Room, frowning at the results of their efforts to create a “culture of innovation.” Why don’t they have it? Why aren’t they getting the output they need?The answer is counterintuitive. They are focusing on the intended output when they should be focusing on the input. This flawed — and all too common approach — has created the need.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-03 11:10 am|추천


  • [비공개] 브랜드 용어

    Brand glossary BrandA brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, association, trademark or design which is intended to identify the products or services of one provider or group of providers, and to differentiate them from those of competitors. A brand has functional and emotional elements which create a relationship between customers and the product or service.Brand AttributesBrand attributes are the functional and emotional associations which are assigned to a brand by its customers and prospects. Brand attributes can be either negative or positive, and can have different degrees of relevance and .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-28 12:14 am|추천


  • [비공개] 브랜드매니지먼트(Brand Management)의 전략 옵션

    브랜드매니지먼트(Brand Management)의 전략 옵션 : 브랜드재활성화 전략(Brand Revitalization)브랜드 재활성화의 정의와 적용시기 브랜드 재활성화(Brand Revitalization)는 소비자 기호(tastes and preferences)의 변화, 기술혁신에 의한 신기술의 등장 등의 환경변화에 따라 브랜드에쿼티 (Brand Equity)가 약화된 경우 브랜드에 활력을 불어 넣어 Brand를 재강화하는 것을 의미한다. 쉽게 말하자면, 브랜드 재활성화는 브랜드를 위급한 환자로 보고 치료하는 과정이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 브랜드에쿼티를 구성하고 있는 경쟁력 있는 요소들이 거의 남아있지 않다면 그 브랜드는 브랜드재활성화의 대상이 되지 않는다. 왜냐하.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-28 12:12 am|추천


  • [비공개] 브랜드매니지먼트(Brand Management)의 전략 옵션

    브랜드매니지먼트(Brand Management)의 전략 옵션 : 브랜드재활성화 전략(Brand Revitalization)장수브랜드 육성을 위한 브랜드 매니지먼트(Brand Management)국내에서 메이커(Maker)보다 브랜드(Brand)라는 용어가 더 일반적으로 사용되기 시작한 것은 불과 수년 전의 일이다. 그만큼 국내에서는 단기적이고 ‘제품’ 중심적인 사고에 머물러 있었던 것이 사실이다. 기업의 마케팅을 담당하는 전문가들조차 브랜드를 마케팅 믹스의 하부구조로서 단순히 제품의 이름(Name) 정도로 이해하고 있었다. 기업경영을 담당하는 CEO 및 임원진들은 매출과 이익창출 그리고 규모확장에만 주로 관심을 쏟고 있었고, 브랜드는 관리의 대상조차 되지 .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-28 12:08 am|추천


  • [비공개] 14 Ways Starbucks Has Tried to Revital..

    14 Ways Starbucks Has Tried to Revitalize its Brand 2comments August 6, 2008 PSFK friend Diana Wolf recently wrote an insightful piece on Starbucks’ multipronged attempt at brand revitalization. The whole article is republished here (with author’s permission): “We’re not this young, beloved, entrepreneurial enterprise anymore… We have to do business in a different way.” – Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz And that’s exactly what he’s doing – business in a different way. And then in a different way. And then in a way that’s different from that. In early January, S.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-28 12:04 am|추천


  • [비공개] The Keys to Revitalizing a Mature Brand

    The Keys to Revitalizing a Mature Brand Mar 3, 2006 11:07 AM, By Hampton Bridwell Building a strong brand takes time, commitment, and hard work, but the result is one of the most valuable assets a company can own. Instant identification in the mind of the customer, a reputation for competence and quality, the knowledge that the promises of the brand are genuine and not just slogans…the list of benefits goes on. advertisement '); // --> = 0) || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebTV")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write('') } // --> A strong, mature brand.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-27 10:41 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 기업브랜드 재활성화(Revitalization)의 필요성 대두

    기업브랜드 재활성화(Revitalization)의 필요성 대두 ○ 기업브랜드의 정의 - 일반적으로 브랜드는 ‘판매자나 판매 단체의 상품과 서비스를 구별하고 경쟁자의 상품이나 서비스와 차별화할 의도로 부여된 이름, 용어, 기호, 상징이나 디자인, 또는 이들의 조합’으로 정의함1) - 따라서, 기업브랜드는 ‘다른 기업과 구별되고, 차별화하기 위해 부여된 기업명, 로고, 심볼, 슬로건, 또는 이들의 조합’으로 정의할 수 있음 ○ 기업브랜드의 재활성화 추진 배경 - 기업브랜드의 중요성 재인식 ?기업브랜드를 기반으로 한 개별 제품 경쟁력 강화는 기업의 .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-26 07:54 pm|추천


  • [비공개] The Emperor’s New Brand: How to Fail a..

    The Emperor’s New Brand: How to Fail at Brand Revitalization by David Lemley The first symptom: Relief that the Brand revitalization process is finally over, followed by a vague sense that “something is missing." Continued loss of market share, failure to make customer connections and a continuum of caustic corporate culture are telltale signs that your effort has missed the mark. When profits and sales continue to drop, you find, if you still have your job, there is no choice but to go back to the drawing board. Many retailers go through an exhaustive Brand revitalization .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-25 06:41 pm|추천


  • [비공개] The House That Ogilvy Built

    The House That Ogilvy Builtby Kenneth RomanThe legendary advertising innovator David Ogilvy created an enduring organization using culture, integrity, and charm. Illustration by Lars LeetaruNotwithstanding his reputation as a creative genius, it may well be that the best ad David Ogilvy ever wrote was not included in his classic work from the 1950s and ’60s — “The Man in the Hathaway Shirt” with his black eyepatch, or the famous campaigns for Schweppes, Rolls-Royce, or Puerto Rico — but a “house” advertisement for his own company. Titled “How to Run an Ad.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-23 07:38 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Digital Darwinism

    Digital Darwinismby Christopher VollmerIn the new marketing and media ecosystem, some will fail, some will thrive, and all will have to evolve. Illustration by Dan Page In 2007, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) sponsored an online contest to design the skin of HP’s new special-edition entertainment laptop. The company promoted the contest selectively in 13 countries via the television, Web, and mobile channels of its media partner, MTV Networks. But word spread virally, and more than 8,500 entries poured in from 112 countries in just over a month. The contest site got more tha.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-03-23 07:37 pm|추천


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