[비공개] 50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still..
50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still Missby Richard Rawlinson and Natasha Kuznetsova The World War II generation started to turn 50 in the late 1970s. In the developed world, this was generally a newly prosperous group with rising wages, real pensions, and home values that their parents could only dream about. Even back then, experts warned marketers against ignoring this rich vein of aging consumers. Yet, save for a few exceptions, companies failed to act on this valuable advice, and they have continued on the same course for 30 years. Marketers focus their products and advertising .......추천 -
[비공개] Positioning at the Trough
Positioning at the Trough ByBill Engler Seven simple steps to successfully position your brand to benefit from the ever-growing 2009 government stimulus programs. As democrats, republicans, conservatives, liberals, socialists, capitalists, Keynesians or Greenspansians, we have all taken refuge around the rallying cry, “They are too big to let fail”. Billions have turned in to trillions and the government assistance trough has never looked fuller or more important to the success of American brand capitalism. 2008 saw once invincible brands fall, one after another. As a re.......추천 -
[비공개] 국가브랜드에 대해(1)
요즘 국가 브랜드에 대한 관심과 더불어 논란이 뜨겁다. 논란들을 보면 "MB정권이 등장하고 나서 국가 브랜드 순위가 떨어졌다"는 것을 비롯하여 "IT를 국가 브랜드로 해야 한다", "여성이 존중받아야 국가 브랜드가 높아진다." 등등. 그러나, 국가 브랜드라는 것을 잘 생각해야 한다. 비즈니스 환경에서 브랜드 전략이라는 것은 단기적인 성과를 목표로 하는 것이 아니다. 마케팅 전략은 단기적이거나 혹은 중기적인 매출 성장을 목표로 하지만, 브랜드 전략은 단기적인 성과를 얻어내기가 쉽지 않다. 따라서, 브랜드 전략은 중, 장기적인 목표를 바탕으로 수립되어져야만 한다. 또한, 마케팅 전략은 일반적으로 4P Mix라고 하는 것을 기본적.......추천 -
[비공개] [펌][기고/구삼열]서울시 ‘맨유 광고’가 낭비일까
[기고/구삼열]서울시 ‘맨유 광고’가 낭비일까 최근 미국 전역에서 발행하는 여행 전문지 ‘자팩스(JAXFAX)’, 덴마크 일간지 ‘레세리브(REJSELIV)’ 등 세계 유력 매체가 한국 혹은 서울을 이른바 ‘뜨는’ 여행지로 주목하기 시작했다. 유구한 역사와 고유한 문화, 반세기 만에 달성한 눈부신 경제성장에도 불구하고 전쟁과 가난, 분단의 이미지로 인해 관광 분야에서만은 변방에 머물러 왔던 그간의 설움 아닌 설움을 생각할 때 감격스러운 일이 아닐 수 없다. 지난달 21일 잉글랜드 프리미어리그 맨체스터 유나이티드(이하 맨유)의 홈경기를 통해 전 세계로 전파된 서울의 매력은 그런 의미에서 시의 적절한 기폭제 역할을 해줄 .......추천 -
[비공개] 2009년 3월 13일 오후 9시 46분에 저장한 글입니다.
문성근 ‘자명고’ 연기 논란? “왕에 대한 고정관념을 벗어라!” [뉴스엔 박세연 기자]베테랑 연기파 배우 문성근이 때아닌 연기 논란에 휩싸였다. 문성근은 SBS 새 월화드라마 '자명고'(극본 정성희/연출 이명우)에서 고구려 부흥기를 이끈 대무신왕으로 분해 전장에서 잔뼈 굵은 왕으로서의 야전적이고 다혈직적 이미지를 선보인다. 문성근은 '자명고'를 통해 만 24년 연기생활 최초로 사극에 도전했다.'자명고' 첫방에서 베일을 벗은 문성근의 사극 연기에 대한 의견은 분분했다. 한 시청자는 "어려서부터 온갖 산전수전 다 겪은 노련한 정치가이자 권력욕과 야망으로 매정한 아버지로서 좋은 연기 보여주셨다고 생각한다. 서늘한 .......추천 -
[비공개] Positioning at the Trough
Positioning at the Trough ByBill Engler Seven simple steps to successfully position your brand to benefit from the ever-growing 2009 government stimulus programs. As democrats, republicans, conservatives, liberals, socialists, capitalists, Keynesians or Greenspansians, we have all taken refuge around the rallying cry, “They are too big to let fail”. Billions have turned in to trillions and the government assistance trough has never looked fuller or more important to the success of American brand capitalism. 2008 saw once invincible brands fall, one after another........추천 -
[비공개] Get Real
Get Real byClaire Ratushny March 2, 2009 issue We hear it every day: there’s nothing but gloom and doom in the marketplace. A few questions for marketers: Is your angst over dropping sales and reduced marketing budgets preventing you from focusing on what your customers are looking for right now? Are you paralyzed by fear and uncertainty? Have you decided to play it “safe” and stay in a “holding pattern” until the economy improves? Or have you opted to show leadership and courage? Are you steering your brands to maintain share now and grow in the future? .......추천 -
[비공개] Franchise Brands: More than a Logo
Franchise Brands: More than a Logo byBarry Silverstein March 9, 2009 issue In franchising, it’s not just the corporate logo that needs to be carefully guarded, although that’s important. It’s the logo plus everything else—corporate colors, signage, buildings, trucks, uniforms, products, services, prices, promotions, ads, window posters, and even mundane stuff like pens, wrappers, and every collateral item in existence. SUBWAY restaurants, named the #1 Global Franchise Opportunity for 2009 by Entrepreneur magazine, has more than 30,500 locations in 87 countries. Imagi.......추천 -
[비공개] Why Some Companies Are Making the Wron..
Why Some Companies Are Making the Wrong Movesby Shumeet Banerji, Neil McArthur, and Cesare Mainardi2/10/09A new survey reveals a disconnect between what managers should be doing and what they are doing. How well are top corporate executives handling the global economic crisis? Are managements and governments collaborating effectively to bring the turmoil to an end? What kinds of companies will emerge from the downturn stronger? What actions should companies be taking? These questions have arisen for many businesses since the worldwide financial crisis erupted in the fall of 2008. But m.......추천 -
[비공개] Paradox of Capitalism
Paradox of Capitalismby Edward H. Baker2/17/09Economist Robert Reich believes that the excesses of capitalism have produced a world order in which people feel good as consumers but suffer as citizens. When Robert Reich published Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life in 2007, the U.S. economy was growing, the financial sector was intact, and the housing bubble had just begun to leak. Although that now seems like decades ago, the former Secretary of Labor’s core argument still has a decidedly clear ring of truth; indeed, perhaps now more than ever........추천