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경원식의 마케팅 세상

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블로그"경원식의 마케팅 세상"에 대한 검색결과488건
  • [비공개] Issues in Brand Rejuvenation Strategies

    Issues in Brand Rejuvenation StrategiesVenktesh Babu SummaryThis study looks at the concept of Brand Rejuvenation, which is gaining momentum with the increase in the number of brands failing quickly after launch. The study details out the various aspects of Brand Rejuvenation involved in the FMCG sectors.The study gives a brief gist of the various causes for brand rejuvenation, the methods of rejuvenation and also the issues in brand rejuvenation. The study includes insights from the people involved in branding for various companies and many case studies of brands that have been revitalized, .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-05-22 03:17 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Economy Spells Opportunity to Evaluate..

    Economy Spells Opportunity to Evaluate Brand Portfolio byLarry Lucas and Jorge Aguilar April 27, 2009 issue The year 2008 will be remembered as one of the worst in history from an economic perspective. Declining home values, the S&P plummeting close to 40 percent and poor corporate results all marked the second half of 2008. The good news is that 2008 is over. The bad news is that 2009 doesn’t look as though it will offer the relief that we are hoping for. Companies that are successful over the long term are those that use this turbulence to rethink and optimize their busin.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-27 04:33 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Economy Spells Opportunity to Evaluate..

    Economy Spells Opportunity to Evaluate Brand Portfolio byLarry Lucas and Jorge Aguilar April 27, 2009 issue The year 2008 will be remembered as one of the worst in history from an economic perspective. Declining home values, the S&P plummeting close to 40 percent and poor corporate results all marked the second half of 2008. The good news is that 2008 is over. The bad news is that 2009 doesn’t look as though it will offer the relief that we are hoping for. Companies that are successful over the long term are those that use this turbulence to rethink and optimize their busin.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-27 04:33 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Can Brand Loyalty Be Bought?

    Can Brand Loyalty Be Bought? byBarry Silverstein April 27, 2009 issue The classic brand loyalty program offers a combination of rewards and recognition. The bottom-line objective of the program, however, is retention—to ensure that a customer continues to purchase a product or service and remains loyal to that particular brand. First airlines, and then hotels, used loyalty programs to offer incentives to frequent travelers, but today brand loyalty programs are just as common in financial services and retail. One of the fastest-growing brand loyal.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-27 04:30 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Can Brand Loyalty Be Bought?

    Can Brand Loyalty Be Bought? byBarry Silverstein April 27, 2009 issue The classic brand loyalty program offers a combination of rewards and recognition. The bottom-line objective of the program, however, is retention—to ensure that a customer continues to purchase a product or service and remains loyal to that particular brand. First airlines, and then hotels, used loyalty programs to offer incentives to frequent travelers, but today brand loyalty programs are just as common in financial services and retail. One of the fastest-growing brand loyal.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-27 04:30 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Not Just for Profit

    Not Just for Profit by Marjorie Kelly When Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank received the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2006, one endeavor lifted into the limelight was Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. This was a pathbreaking collaborative en­terprise, launched that year as a 50–50 joint venture between Groupe Danone — the US$16 billion multinational yogurt maker — and the Grameen companies Yunus had cofounded. Yunus called the joint venture a “social business,” which he said could be a pioneering model for a more humane form of capitalism. As Yunus explained in his.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:08 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Not Just for Profit

    Not Just for Profit by Marjorie Kelly When Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank received the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2006, one endeavor lifted into the limelight was Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. This was a pathbreaking collaborative en­terprise, launched that year as a 50–50 joint venture between Groupe Danone — the US$16 billion multinational yogurt maker — and the Grameen companies Yunus had cofounded. Yunus called the joint venture a “social business,” which he said could be a pioneering model for a more humane form of capitalism. As Yunus explained in his.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:08 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still..

    50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still Miss by Richard Rawlinson and Natasha Kuznetsova The World War II generation started to turn 50 in the late 1970s. In the developed world, this was generally a newly prosperous group with rising wages, real pensions, and home values that their parents could only dream about. Even back then, experts warned marketers against ignoring this rich vein of aging consumers. Yet, save for a few exceptions, companies failed to act on this valuable advice, and they have continued on the same course for 30 years. Marketers focus their products and advertis.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:03 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still..

    50-plus: A Market That Marketers Still Miss by Richard Rawlinson and Natasha Kuznetsova The World War II generation started to turn 50 in the late 1970s. In the developed world, this was generally a newly prosperous group with rising wages, real pensions, and home values that their parents could only dream about. Even back then, experts warned marketers against ignoring this rich vein of aging consumers. Yet, save for a few exceptions, companies failed to act on this valuable advice, and they have continued on the same course for 30 years. Marketers focus their products and advertis.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:03 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Measuring Your Way to Market Insight

    Measuring Your Way to Market Insightby Leslie H. Moeller and Edward C. Landry To build closer connections to customers, start by developing analytical prowess. Several years ago, a global distributor of wines and spirits embarked on an ambitious event-based marketing campaign. The company sponsored lavish dinners at gourmet restaurants for community “influencers” and held wine-sampling or liquor-sampling parties at local taverns. Though several very different brands were involved, these were all high-touch promotions, aimed at getting a focused group of consumers to try the drinks.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:01 pm|추천


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