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경원식의 마케팅 세상

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블로그"경원식의 마케팅 세상"에 대한 검색결과488건
  • [비공개] Measuring Your Way to Market Insight

    Measuring Your Way to Market Insightby Leslie H. Moeller and Edward C. Landry To build closer connections to customers, start by developing analytical prowess. Several years ago, a global distributor of wines and spirits embarked on an ambitious event-based marketing campaign. The company sponsored lavish dinners at gourmet restaurants for community “influencers” and held wine-sampling or liquor-sampling parties at local taverns. Though several very different brands were involved, these were all high-touch promotions, aimed at getting a focused group of consumers to try the drinks.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-22 11:01 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Achieving Accountable Marketing: Six C..

    Achieving Accountable Marketing: Six Critical Value Levers Must Be Pulled byMichael Dunn April 13, 2009 issue Senior management continues to push marketers to demonstrate a strong return on investment, demanding more accountability and evidence that marketing investment is driving business growth. It requires marketers to demonstrate disciplined planning, rigorous tracking and evaluation and, above all, continuous improvement in performance. They must also show cause and effect, quickly diagnose the root causes of any spending performance issues and make timely, fact-dr.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-21 03:13 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Achieving Accountable Marketing: Six C..

    Achieving Accountable Marketing: Six Critical Value Levers Must Be Pulled byMichael Dunn April 13, 2009 issue Senior management continues to push marketers to demonstrate a strong return on investment, demanding more accountability and evidence that marketing investment is driving business growth. It requires marketers to demonstrate disciplined planning, rigorous tracking and evaluation and, above all, continuous improvement in performance. They must also show cause and effect, quickly diagnose the root causes of any spending performance issues and make timely, fact-dr.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-21 03:13 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 7 Tactical Reasons To Use Mini Campaig..

    7 Tactical Reasons To Use Mini Campaign WebsitesBy Jerry BaderHow many websites should your company have?That's a question that comes up often in discussions with clients, but perhaps the idea never crossed your mind. Why would any company need more than one website? Not to be glib but the answer is as many as you need, but how many is that?If you're a large corporation it is fairly obvious that you need a separate site for each brand you offer, and a separate site for corporate background material and perhaps investor information.But what if you're a small or medium-sized company with a limit.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-21 03:11 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Risky Business: When Personalities Pro..

    Risky Business: When Personalities Promote Brands byMya Frazier April 20, 2009 issue In the online spot, the bootmaker’s executives—including its head of “values marketing,” Jay Steere—are the talent. Amid a surreal forest landscape with a watercolor hue, Steere touts the brand’s online social networking site and “Earthkeepers” campaign aimed at recruiting one million people to become part of an online network to “inspire environmental change.” Is Timberland’s campaign setting precedent for other brands to promote their values alongsid.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-21 03:05 pm|추천


  • [비공개] “Goodbye Consumer – Hello Citizen”

    “Goodbye Consumer – Hello Citizen”How America's new administration and economic crisis is re-calibrating the consumer mindset.by Patt Cottingham©2009 Patt Cottingham All rights reserved. The New Citizen Brand MindsetJust yesterday when credit was oh so easy you could build credit card castles out of the dozens of plastic credit cards that would arrive each month in the mail. Houses forgot how to be homes providing safety and security, and turned into leveraged lending machines. And so we all went out and bought our "stuff", some of it necessary – most of it not. Or .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-06 03:01 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Marketing Strategies that Build Value

    Marketing Strategies that Build Value byBarry Silverstein April 6, 2009 issue Value building is not a new concept. In good times and bad, smart brand marketers have always recognized the need to build value and differentiate—to make their brands a little better than competitors by adding a new feature, creating a special promotion or forging a unique alliance with another brand. What’s different today is the targeted relevance of value building. Faced with a protracted global economic recession, established brands are searching for ways to add maximum value witho.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-06 02:49 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Internal Branding

    Scott Hamilton of Allign, recently spoke about Internal Branding at a CICAMA meeting. Following are some insights I gleaned from that talk. Enjoy! The information presented in the talk came from six years of experience through over 550 focus groups. In a nutshell, internal branding is the foundation for your brand’s external image with a main purpose of creating a rational and emotional connection to your brand. In 2007, the domestic budget for external marketing was 445 billion, while the budget for internal branding was less than 1 billion, which is still a 120% increase since last yea.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-05 01:42 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Internal Branding - 8 Principles

    terms of branding, companies need to learn to run at the same pace internally as well as externally. Building a truly world-class brand requires that the company makes sure that all of its internal processes, practices and symbols, fit its brand values. If the company’s brand is playing the role it should in creating value for the company, it should be viewed as a simple cohesive framework for organising all of the internal practices and processes and making sure they work towards creating the desired customer experience. Succesfull companies do not see one single department as custodian of .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-05 01:41 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Internal Brand Building: Overcoming Ob..

    September 11, 2007 Internal Brand Building: Overcoming Obstacles We have conducted numerous “Internal Brand Building” workshops in the last few years. The following are approaches that people in various organizations have found to be effective in overcoming some of the obstacles encountered in creating brand-building organizations: Issue:How do you get corporate officers to support brand management initiatives when they don’t understand the value of brand management or marketing? Ideas: • Influence the leaders with books and speakers.• .......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-04-05 01:39 pm|추천


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