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열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)

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블로그"열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)"에 대한 검색결과209건
  • [비공개] Slack off

    Slack off ~ 1. to work less hard than is usual or necessary. Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays. 2. to become less severe or extreme. If this rain would slack off, we could finish the work outside
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:50 am|추천


  • [비공개] Slack off

    Slack off ~ 1. to work less hard than is usual or necessary. Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays. 2. to become less severe or extreme. If this rain would slack off, we could finish the work outside
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:50 am|추천


  • [비공개] Slack off

    Slack off ~ 1. to work less hard than is usual or necessary. Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays. 2. to become less severe or extreme. If this rain would slack off, we could finish the work outside
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:50 am|추천


  • [비공개] Slack off

    Slack off ~ 1. to work less hard than is usual or necessary. Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays. 2. to become less severe or extreme. If this rain would slack off, we could finish the work outside
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:50 am|추천


  • [비공개] My favorite show - Moning Special

    ------------------------------------ Today's Closing Tip ----------------------------------- Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. 누구에게나 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있잖아요. a secret that would cause embarrassment if it were known. People almost always have skeletons in their closets, parts of their lives they don't want to reveal. --------------------------------------- Today's Headlines --------------------------------------- ① North Korea announced yesterday that it will suspend tours to the city of Kaesong as well as cross-border railway service, and 'selectively expel' South Korean personn.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:41 am|추천


  • [비공개] My favorite show - Moning Special

    ------------------------------------ Today's Closing Tip ----------------------------------- Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. 누구에게나 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있잖아요. a secret that would cause embarrassment if it were known. People almost always have skeletons in their closets, parts of their lives they don't want to reveal. --------------------------------------- Today's Headlines --------------------------------------- ① North Korea announced yesterday that it will suspend tours to the city of Kaesong as well as cross-border railway service, and 'selectively expel' South Korean personn.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:41 am|추천


  • [비공개] My favorite show - Moning Special

    ------------------------------------ Today's Closing Tip ----------------------------------- Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. 누구에게나 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있잖아요. a secret that would cause embarrassment if it were known. People almost always have skeletons in their closets, parts of their lives they don't want to reveal. --------------------------------------- Today's Headlines --------------------------------------- ① North Korea announced yesterday that it will suspend tours to the city of Kaesong as well as cross-border railway service, and 'selectively expel' South Korean personn.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:41 am|추천


  • [비공개] My favorite show - Moning Special

    ------------------------------------ Today's Closing Tip ----------------------------------- Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. 누구에게나 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있잖아요. a secret that would cause embarrassment if it were known. People almost always have skeletons in their closets, parts of their lives they don't want to reveal. --------------------------------------- Today's Headlines --------------------------------------- ① North Korea announced yesterday that it will suspend tours to the city of Kaesong as well as cross-border railway service, and 'selectively expel' South Korean personn.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-25 08:41 am|추천


  • [비공개] 감사의 기근

    선교사 언더우드의 증손자 원한광 교수가 몇 해 전에 미국으로 돌아가면서 이런 말을 하였습니다. "한국에 사는 동안에 단 한 번도 경기가 좋아졌다, 살 만하게 되었다는 말을 들어보지 못했다." 신경하의 '매일 아침 1분' 중에서 (은행나무, 136p)
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-19 08:56 am|추천


  • [비공개] 감사의 기근

    선교사 언더우드의 증손자 원한광 교수가 몇 해 전에 미국으로 돌아가면서 이런 말을 하였습니다. "한국에 사는 동안에 단 한 번도 경기가 좋아졌다, 살 만하게 되었다는 말을 들어보지 못했다." 신경하의 '매일 아침 1분' 중에서 (은행나무, 136p)
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-19 08:56 am|추천


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