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보안 / Security / 마케팅

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블로그"보안 / Security / 마케팅"에 대한 검색결과446건
  • [비공개] 영어회화

    부어라 마셔라 새벽까지 술을 마신 데릭, 숙취로 이만 저만 고생이 아닌데.. Derk : I still have a hangover(숙취가 있다) last nignt. Sommi : you do? It's almost(거의) time for dinner already(벌써). Derek : I know. I just drank way too much. Sommi : What time did you drink till(과거로 부터 이어진 것)? Derek : I don't remember too well. But I think it was at least 5 or 6 in the morning. Sommi : That's late? No wonder you still have a hangover. 수미는 술마신 다음날 데릭이 피자먹는 것을 보고 경악하는데.. sommi : What are you eating? I thought you had a hangover. Derek : Yes, I still do. But what's wron.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-23 11:13 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 현지영어회화(english)

    꽁지빠진 닭같은 얼굴을 하고 있는 제이슨. 마이크는 그이유가 궁금해 졌는데.. mike : hey, you look totally bummed out.(힘빠지다) what's going on. jason : I got dumped out(차이다) just now. mike : oh, no are you okay? jason : well, a couple shots of whisky should do it.(될거다) i will be as good as new. mike : okay, let's go out and drink the night away.(밤새마시고 날려버리다) 드디어 시험기간, 수미는 공부로 지친 머리를 잠시 식혀 볼 궁리를 하는데.. sommi : I am stressed out from studying so much. mike : How about a few drinks tonight then, so that you can get your stress out of your system. sommi :.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-21 12:20 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 영어회화

    옷가게에서 티셔츠를 고르고 있는 수미.. sommi : If i were to(혹시 ~ 하게 된다면) return this, when should i retrun this by? Sales clerk : within two weeks from the day you bought it. sommi : ok thank you. Sales clerk : And just so you know(그냥 알아두라고 하는 애긴데) = just let you know = for your information(FYI) , you can't return it if you rip(찟어지거나) it or stain(얼룩이 묻으면) it. Sommi : okay i understand. 마이크는 재킷을 반품하러 갔다가 점원과 실랑이가 벌어지는데.. Sales clerk : This jacket stinks of(~한 냄새가 나다) cigarette smoke and you think you can still return it? I am sorry, .......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-20 02:07 am|추천


  • [비공개] 영어회화 (english_ daily expression)

    내 그럴줄 알았다니까... A : How did his job interrviews turn out? B : He failed again. A : I figured.(= I knew he would = I saw it coming). He is really out of luck these days. B : But he has been trying so much. I hope he would really give a good opportunity.
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-19 12:00 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 실전 영어회화

    차좀 멈추고 멀미약 좀 사 달라고 하는 b씨 a : are you feeling any(좀) better since you moved to the front seat? b : not really. i still feel nervous. a : is there anything i can do for you? b : yeah. stop and get some motion-sickness medicine(멀미약) for me. 교통혼잡을 피할 수 있을까요? a : will you able to make it the performance well today? b : it depends on the traffic. a : can you beat the traffic if you leave a half hour early? b : maybe. i'll see what i can do.(일단 저에게 맡겨보시죠) 더이상 보고 싶지 않아서 꺼져 버리라고 하는데... a : get lost! i don't want to see you aroud here any more.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-18 04:43 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 현지회화 영어

    쇼핑이 마냥 즐거운 미셀, 오늘도 그 줄거움을 만끼하고 있는데.. michelle : i am glad i wasborn a woman. ted : why is that? michelle : because i wouldn't have been able to enjoy shopping as much if i had been a man. ted : guys can shop, too. michelle : but when guys shop too much, they look gay. ted : now, you are being sexist. 쇼핑할 생각에 들뜬 신디는 밥과의 데이트가 무료하기만 한데.. cindy : what to do, what to do, oh, i've got an idea. why don't we go shopping together? bob : well. okay if we don't have anything better to do. let me finish watching this game, though. cindy : come on, let's go.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-17 09:24 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 실전 회화

    너무 파인 옷을 고르는데.. a : what do you think of this sweater. b : it is cut too low. a : then, what about this skirt? b : it is too short, i think. a : you are not much fun to shop with. 계속 하자 it is great to see our project come to an end. i mean, i thought we would have to stay over night to finish it. it seems like we are going to finish in a flash. i say, let's forget about having a break just in case we lose concentration. let's keep the ball rolling. (= let's keep going on. , let's keep continue.) 옷을 더러워서 드라이 클리닝을 하려 하는데.. a : you played out all day long. don't yo.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-17 12:07 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 현지영어

    내일 있을 파티에 입고 갈 드레스를 고르는 수미와 제인.. jane : i am so excited about wearing a dress to tomorrow's party. sommi : me too. am i gonna be able to find a dress that suits me? jane : how about this black one? this will definitely suit you. sommi : don't you think this is a bit too slutty? jane : slutty? what are you talking about? this is what you wear to a party. come on, why don't you try it on? sommi : yeah, it turns out it doesn't look as slutty as i thought. jane : that's so you. you should go with that one. 타셔츠를 사러 나가 가격 흥정을 해 보는데.. sommi : how much is this? m.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-17 01:15 am|추천


  • [비공개] 현지 영여

    이리로오면서 줄 곧 시간 싸움을 하다. a : i was fighting the clock all the way here. b : yes, i expected you would be late with all this bad weather we are having. a : i must admit, i was figthing the clock all the way here. b : i am glad you made it safely. 너무 운만 믿지 마세요. a : this traffic is barely moving. b : i know. i think i am going to take the side streets. a : don't push your luck. side streets could be more congested because of all the lights. b : you are right. it is rush hour everywhere i guess. 왜 이렇게 오래 걸렸어요. a : you were supposed to be here one hour ago. b : i am s.......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-16 02:05 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 현지영어

    DVD 르르 빌려 보기로 한 마이크와 수미. 도무지 의견이 좁혀지지를 않는데.. sommi : i love the kind of movies that make you cry. mike : you mean like those sentimental tear-jerkers? i can't stand them. sommi : what do you like then? mike : i like the moive that make you laugh your guts out. 데이트 할 마탕한 장소가 떠오르지 않는 브라이언. 영화관에 가기로 하는데.. brian : let's go to the movies tonight! cindy : yeah, just what i wanted to do. you know, sometimes, i feel like you are inside my brain or something. you just know exactly what i would like to do. we're like what they call' a match made .......
    보안 / Security / 마케팅|2007-01-16 01:01 am|추천


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