[비공개] study on the emotions behind viral con..
Why do we share what we share online? We provided a partial answer to this question when we released a study on the emotions behind viral content. In our latest report on viral emotions, we identified additional emotional components beyond individual emotions that contribute to high levels of sharing and engagement. As with our previous study, we again found that viral content is usually surprising, emotionally complex, or extremely positive (think Chewbacca Mom). However, this time, we dug further to understand why certain emotions are so effective at driving people to share. We also examined.......추천 -
[비공개] [기업 컨설팅 감성] http://www.frac.tl/our-res..
rhkhttp://www.frac.tl/our-research/추천 -
[비공개] The Role of Emotions in Viral Content
The Role of Emotions in Viral Content Fractl 6 July 2016 Blog, Content Creation, Viral MarketingThink about the moment right before you share something online. What’s going through your mind? Why do you want to share the story with your social network?If you recall these moments, it’s likely that you will see a trend. Right before you hit the share button, you felt something. You saw something that made you laugh, gasp, cringe, or cry. The content hit you in the gut or the heart so strongly that you immediately wanted to pass it along to others.The way content makes us feel is often what pro.......추천 -
[비공개] http://www.razorfish.com/ 디지털 마케팅 플랫폼
http://publicis.sapient.com/#!/ideas/analyzing-the-chief추천 -
[비공개] http://www.zilliondesigns.com/ 웹로고 브랜드..
http://www.zilliondesigns.com/how-it-workshttp://www.zilliondesigns.com/how-it-works추천 -
[비공개] socialmediaexaminer.com
http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-sharing-habits-new-research/추천 -
[비공개] FRIO.com
브랜드 전략 1. FRIO 를 모브랜드로 하여 온라인 Sub브랜드 전략 (Digital, Cause, 홈페이지 디자인, 제안서 제작, 동영상 제작지원, Viral PR, PR 성 연구논문 제작 등 다양한 분야) 2. 상품패키징 결합으로 다양한 고객층 공략 3. 메인상품은 Cause branding 으로 차별화하고, 사회적 확산방안 소셜공유감정 기법과 메카니즘을 잘 이론적, 실제적으로 활용 (ex, 영국의 브랙시트 사례, 대중을 움직이는 방안온라인 메시징 활용전략 참조) 브랜드 FRIO consulting심볼 로고 - 형태 : 삼각형 3개+ 1 (색깔 고민중) - 삼위일체 : 브랜드 = 코즈 + 감성 + 소셜 홈페이지, 블로그, 소셜페이지 (페이스북), 12월말 홍보 동영상 및 제안서 (사업계획서.......추천