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한신대학교 교수 숭의여자대학교 겸임교수 전)앤더슨코리아 대표 (www.2002korea.com) 한국디지털기술연구원 원장 한국융합지식교육원 원장 국가직무능력표준(NCS)/ 일학습병행 개발위원 방송통신인적자원개발위원회 전문위원 정보통신진흥협회 전문위원 디지털광고협회 전문위원 검색광고마케터 자격시험 출제위원 -저서 : NCS기반 디지털마케팅전문가, 검색광고마케터, 한국광고백서(공저)
블로그"!앤더슨코리아ㆍ융합지식교육원ㆍ디지털마케팅연구원"에 대한 검색결과541건
  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 역사 계승

    서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 역사를 계승하는 2012년 바자회  In 1970…  Korea Herald November 4, 1976 ….”We will use the proceeds from the bazaar for needy people.” said a member of the association. Mrs.Yi Pang-ja, widow of the last Yi Dynasty crown prince, sold holiday cards decorated with her own Oriental brush paintings. SIWA Newsletter May 1982 …..BAZAAR ’82 had it’s premire on May 4th with a press conference held during the freezing pic-nic in the park. By now, most of Korea has been informed about the 20 years of Welfare Assistance that SIWA has produced .......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 역사 계승

    서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 역사를 계승하는 2012년 바자회  In 1970…  Korea Herald November 4, 1976 ….”We will use the proceeds from the bazaar for needy people.” said a member of the association. Mrs.Yi Pang-ja, widow of the last Yi Dynasty crown prince, sold holiday cards decorated with her own Oriental brush paintings. SIWA Newsletter May 1982 …..BAZAAR ’82 had it’s premire on May 4th with a press conference held during the freezing pic-nic in the park. By now, most of Korea has been informed about the 20 years of Welfare Assistance that SIWA has produced .......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 지나온 길 (바자회 역사)

    서울국제여성협회의 발자취 The History of SIWA Tracing the remnants of SIWA Bazaar 2012 Bazaar Chair. Bockhee Lee 1970 SIWA Bazaar Report on December.1,1970 … 100 love-bead-necklaces of the seed-type were sold at 100 won each (cost price 50 won) … 200 cakes sold easily … The subject of a raffle came up only the Friday night before the Bazaar when Mrs. Park Chung Hee donated a beautiful porcelain vase… 1971 SIWA Bazaar Report on November 16,1971 … Handmade pillows and cushions of various shapes and many colors, … Artificial Flowers …Raffle 1st Prize : Two round trip ticket.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 지나온 길 (바자회 역사)

    서울국제여성협회의 발자취 The History of SIWA Tracing the remnants of SIWA Bazaar 2012 Bazaar Chair. Bockhee Lee 1970 SIWA Bazaar Report on December.1,1970 … 100 love-bead-necklaces of the seed-type were sold at 100 won each (cost price 50 won) … 200 cakes sold easily … The subject of a raffle came up only the Friday night before the Bazaar when Mrs. Park Chung Hee donated a beautiful porcelain vase… 1971 SIWA Bazaar Report on November 16,1971 … Handmade pillows and cushions of various shapes and many colors, … Artificial Flowers …Raffle 1st Prize : Two round trip ticket.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 지나온 길 (바자회 역사)

    서울국제여성협회의 발자취 The History of SIWA Tracing the remnants of SIWA Bazaar 2012 Bazaar Chair. Bockhee Lee 1970 SIWA Bazaar Report on December.1,1970 … 100 love-bead-necklaces of the seed-type were sold at 100 won each (cost price 50 won) … 200 cakes sold easily … The subject of a raffle came up only the Friday night before the Bazaar when Mrs. Park Chung Hee donated a beautiful porcelain vase… 1971 SIWA Bazaar Report on November 16,1971 … Handmade pillows and cushions of various shapes and many colors, … Artificial Flowers …Raffle 1st Prize : Two round trip ticket.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)의 지나온 길 (바자회 역사)

    서울국제여성협회의 발자취 The History of SIWA Tracing the remnants of SIWA Bazaar 2012 Bazaar Chair. Bockhee Lee 1970 SIWA Bazaar Report on December.1,1970 … 100 love-bead-necklaces of the seed-type were sold at 100 won each (cost price 50 won) … 200 cakes sold easily … The subject of a raffle came up only the Friday night before the Bazaar when Mrs. Park Chung Hee donated a beautiful porcelain vase… 1971 SIWA Bazaar Report on November 16,1971 … Handmade pillows and cushions of various shapes and many colors, … Artificial Flowers …Raffle 1st Prize : Two round trip ticket.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA Seoul Int'l Women's Asso..

    서울국제여성협회 (siwa) 소개 http://www.siwapage.com Seoul International Women’s Association (SIWA) 서울국제여성협회 The Seoul International Women's association (SIWA) was created in 1962 as a group of women from different nationalities including Koreans in order to enhance the expatriate life in Korea as well as to support those in need in this country. Very rapidly this initial small group of women grew in popularity and over the years membership rose continuously to a peak of 1,000 women from over 80 different countries. 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)는 1962년 한국에 부임한 주한 대사부인들을 위시.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA Seoul Int'l Women's Asso..

    서울국제여성협회 (siwa) 소개 http://www.siwapage.com Seoul International Women’s Association (SIWA) 서울국제여성협회 The Seoul International Women's association (SIWA) was created in 1962 as a group of women from different nationalities including Koreans in order to enhance the expatriate life in Korea as well as to support those in need in this country. Very rapidly this initial small group of women grew in popularity and over the years membership rose continuously to a peak of 1,000 women from over 80 different countries. 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)는 1962년 한국에 부임한 주한 대사부인들을 위시.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA Seoul Int'l Women's Asso..

    서울국제여성협회 (siwa) 소개 http://www.siwapage.com Seoul International Women’s Association (SIWA) 서울국제여성협회 The Seoul International Women's association (SIWA) was created in 1962 as a group of women from different nationalities including Koreans in order to enhance the expatriate life in Korea as well as to support those in need in this country. Very rapidly this initial small group of women grew in popularity and over the years membership rose continuously to a peak of 1,000 women from over 80 different countries. 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)는 1962년 한국에 부임한 주한 대사부인들을 위시.......


  • [비공개] 서울국제여성협회(SIWA Seoul Int'l Women's Asso..

    서울국제여성협회 (siwa) 소개 http://www.siwapage.com Seoul International Women’s Association (SIWA) 서울국제여성협회 The Seoul International Women's association (SIWA) was created in 1962 as a group of women from different nationalities including Koreans in order to enhance the expatriate life in Korea as well as to support those in need in this country. Very rapidly this initial small group of women grew in popularity and over the years membership rose continuously to a peak of 1,000 women from over 80 different countries. 서울국제여성협회(SIWA)는 1962년 한국에 부임한 주한 대사부인들을 위시.......


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